Through the Kitchen Window

Sure, there was snow, but February ended at last.

"Say, fellows, what say we hit a ball around on that frozen lake? We don't have skates, so we'll fall down all the time, but it will be great!"
Broomball is such a dumb sport, its important to wear costumes. Go Team LeVar Burton!
Still Life 2

Do we launch garbage into the sun?
Hiring Freeze

Minnesota has an unemployment rate of 8.2%.

The dough rises, the dough falls.
March Snow

Rosemary needles, staples, ice crystals.

This is my next door neighbor, Tim. He majored in math.

Vertical lines. The paper lanterns were made by a sixth grade class that I taught one day. It was one of my worst days of work, because the kids would not shut up the entire time. They were constantly in each others business and tattling on each other. At the end of the day they made me cards to thank me for being such a great teacher. I was really touched. And wanted to get the hell out.
Sort of like March, eh?