
Darwin Minnesota is the home of the largest ball of twine constructed by one person. Its worth seeing.

Being on the road makes one almost completely anonymous. If you have enough sandwiches with you, you can just keep going without encountering another soul. All those waitresses who pour you cups of coffee won't remember your face, and you're utterly free.
Lake Maria

Every day in spring when its slightly warmer than the day before feels like winning a thousand dollars.

Different lake, more reflections, more oak leaves.

Burned wood!

Maybe sentimental feelings are simply when we put meaning on objects and actions that don't have much of any underlying meaning. For example, when we're absent from someone we focus on objects they've given us or left behind. Wearing someone's sunglasses becomes a way to feel close, or maybe even see the world through a lens that they once used.

Fun fact: Garter snakes are the most wide ranging genus of snake in North America.
This particular snake was pretty chill, but when threatened they spew out a stinky musk that you cannot wash out of your hands especially if your job involves participating in a snake survey, ie grabbing as many snakes as you can and holding them while they thrash around and musk everywhere. Fortunately, their teeth are tiny and their bites harmless.

Plants press toward the sun.

A friend of mine started taking antihistamines in February to ward off his horrific symptoms. When I see buds and pollen, I get more excited than afraid. Lucky lack of allergies.

Even if cats don't have emotions, they sure look like it!
Andrew Bird

I didn't buy a ticket for this concert because I was unemployed when they went on sale. I was with friends before they went to the show, and while we were standing outside the venue, they started digging in their pockets and throwing money at me until I had enough to buy one from a scalper. Such joy.

As I've said before, beautiful women make cool pictures even better.

This man perfectly embodies the welcoming atmosphere of my house. People make a home.