Wednesday, August 27, 2008


In June and July, I went with three friends to go live and work in Yellowstone National Park. I took about 1,000 pictures, worked over 40 hours a week in a cafeteria that served at least 1,500 people a day, drank too much beer, hiked 118 miles, and had the time of my life. It looked a little something like this...

Olden Times


No one ever smiles in Old-Timey photographs.

My god, we were sleep-deprived. So very, very sleep deprived.



The entire two months that we lived in Yellowstone, we would behold magnificent sights and invariably say “We live here!”

That, or “Stop screwing with me, Yellowstone!” But that was mostly when it was screwing with us.



I’d follow that.

Jaws of Death


After following wolf and bear tracks for many cold miles we came across the scattered remains of an elk, strewn among raven tracks, bloody fur, and melting snow.



Think you can ride your bike in late June in Yellowstone? Not a chance! Despite the psychologically damaging effects of an extensively long winter, the snow did have its uses, primarily, keeping beer cold, which helped us deal with the psychologically damaging effects of an extensively long winter…

Lamar Valley


Let’s go!

How Tourists Get Killed


Josh is King of the Geysers.

Bouquet 2


These flowers look like sunset and twilight.



I think that I’ve probably taken a total of two photographs of Tim in which he does not look either adorable or bad-ass. If Lewis and Clark were romantic or poetic in the least, it would look something like this.



We go for a walk. The first four miles are stunning. Warm sun, flowers nodding in the breeze, good rocks for the clamberin’ and waterfalls for the appreciatin’.

Then it begins to rain. I say, “It can’t rain forever!”

I was right.

The next four miles, all uphill, it snows.

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All work copyright the author. Please do not use without permission. If you really need the money I'll buy you a sandwich.