
For some reason, this picture makes me think of THE FUTURE!

See how the undergraduates enjoy their sunny surroundings. College is such a happy time!
But why are they all sitting alone?
So alone!

This is my friend Russ with Daily Show correspondents Rob Riggle and Aasif Mandvi. He was a little star-struck, but they are patently hilarious, and filming on scene in St. Paul during the Republican National Convention.
The next day I was nearly arrested.

How cool are toads?
So cool.

There was a pirate themed birthday party at our house, and this beautiful work of art was on display and then promptly eaten.

Now, I don't know the first thing about architecture, but all these identical angles are pretty, if a little disturbing.
Sunlight and Flour

There is something transcendent about the sunlight and the blue sky in September.
Aphrodisiac Telephone

Salvador Dali created my favorite work of art ever. Ever!!

I am positive that Bacon is a qualified candidate.
Fifth Street

These empty streets know the tread of our feet,
I’ve been sleeping on your couch.
Those days we sprawled and spoke of airy nothing,
compared our dirty toes.
This tired town, flushed with red at sundown,
finds us still awake at dawn.
Will we make it home?
If we jump the train and ride it west…
Moon Man

Not only is Jared tall, but he's magical.
College Decor 3

Once more, I woke up in a new room in Morris, and this is the first thing that I saw.