There are 158 photos on this web-page, a bit shy of the expected 365, but all in all a good effort. As for the future, I am not sure...of course I will continue to take photos but may not post as many here. I will think of something to amuse myself in 2009. We might as well enrich ourselves in the three (or more) years we've got left.
That said, I love you all quite a bit.

This is the house where I grew up. I call it home, but I've called a few more places home, too. So its "My house at home" and will probably soon be "My parents house". Its a strange world we live in, to have dual homes.
Wall It In

It is important to photograph things that disturb you. I find this extremely disturbing for reasons I can't fully explain. Wall it In? Would you ingest this?
Baking 2

My mother is one of the best bakers I know. Seen here over a cranberry upside-down cake, preparing pie crust as Lucy the Cat looks on.
Baking 3

Said pie. Its a winter fruit pie, with apples, cranberries, prunes, golden raisins, raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg, orange peel...its award-winning, actually, and feels so good in your belly on a cold winter day.

Seeds gone, snow as fluffy as they once were.

Waste of a good chair if you ask me.

Oh, what the heck. Here are the health-benefits of garlic. Its pretty awesome.
Gus 2

There is nothing like the sultry look of a happy cat, with, as Oscar Wilde penned, "eyes of satin rimmed with gold"

Have you ever noticed how green becomes so rare and so precious in the heart of winter?
For that matter, so does sunshine.
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman

So here I am a year later. Far better traveled, a little older and, in truth, a bit wiser. I've figured some things out this year. I've been aimless and let down and lonesome. I've been jubilant and glad and awestruck. What more can you ask?