
Its always the lines what get me.

Frozen rivers still run to the sea.

Beautiful women make cool shots even better.

So there is this cardboard tree in our house, and here it sort of looks like an octopus, and also, way cool.
Piano Man

Huck decided to go and teach himself how to tune a piano. Which he then promptly did.

The living room, day after a birthday party.

Originally, I took this photo because of the perfect continuity of the colors and patterns, I just came upon the beautiful oranges and reds and yellows. I showed it to Ryan, the owner of these items. He said, " I remember this day but I can't believe that it was that perfect because I felt like shit so I'm glad that it looked perfect. Do you see the three threes?"
Until then, I hadn't seen all three threes.

What happens when a 78 inch tall man puts on a Snuggy?
Pure bliss.
Go(i)ng Crazy

See, sometimes my friends all get together and go absolutely crazy. We play games and then start singing and everyone grabs an instrument. Guitar or uke or banjo...creaky fan, telephone, gong. Then we all howl and dance and lose ourselves completely.
Someday the present will become the past, and the past will stay the past. The future just sort of looks around and shrugs.
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