
Rhubard Custard Kuchen!

We expect a good crop of pineapple from the pineapple tree this year.

Really, the best part is that this is in a large hole, the crater of a building under construction.

This is my facebook husband, Joey. He sang songs as we weeded the garden. Everyone plays a part.
Pastoral Bliss

Sometimes things look perfect, or rather, contain the seeming perfection of old paintings.

I planted these radishes on May 3rd, and picked them, and ate them a month later.

This is my second picture of a coffee-cup lid, but this one has a dinosaur on it, not a face. I was once told that I am brave in my imaginings.

Before I started biking, I had never seen this (green)way before.
Streets 1 & 2

The street was closed one night, so we had a party. The streets belong to the people!
Vegetarians Beware

Huck realized that suddenly, bacon was lurking, ready to spring.
Watermelon 2

Another picture of watermelon, this one brighter and more summery. The month begins and ends with rich bounty.
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