April 3
Cane Toad

This friendly creature waas imported to Australia to help control pests on the sugar cane crop. Well, it didn't. Instead they ate any living thing smaller than themselves, remained untouchable by local predators due to their poisonous skin, and bred like mad. They've nearly destroyed the natural ecosystem in many areas and are essentially the worst thing to arrive in the country since white people.
April 4

I've always felt a certain loyalty to the Virgin Huntress, Artemis, what with her absolute freedom and general kickass factor. Due to certain events during the Trojan War I've been afraid to admit that for years now, my real favorite has been Athena, because Artemis has this whole problem with being wrathful at non-virginal or disloyal worshippers. The only real diety for me is a reasonable one: keen grey-eyed old Athena with her wisdom, dignity, booksmarts, and form-fitting armour. Sources say she's a virgin too, but my guess is is that she's just smart enough to take care of business without anyone ever catching on. Plus she invented olives.
April 5

It's so true.
April 6
Viking Courage

Please note the awesome labels and alcohol content of these fancy beers.
April 7
Crotch Shot

Degas used to draw women as they walked around his apartment doing normal things like bathing or putting on their socks. Everything we do could be art to someone else. Every bend of the body is beautiful.
April 8

When they say that pearls are the mark of a dignified woman I don't think they are talking about pink freshwater pearls bought for cheap from an old Chinese lady at an outdoor market. That's the mark of an entirely different sort of woman.
April 9

Trash day always makes me feel rich like a hobo, but honestly I have no idea what this is supposed to be.
April 10

Bushfires. They suck.
April 11
Pirates Class

This is the sign across the street from my afternoon bus stop. After staring at it for several days I realized how badly I wanted to change the "L" to an "R". No one would notice for ages and when they did, hilarity would ensue. There is so much graffiti here, none of it clever.
April 12

Served a delicious mocha by a delicious barrista, the traffic passed me by as I read a National Geographic from 1979 and listened as the radio played "Yellow Submarine".
April 13
Look at the light! And the color!
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