Friday, March 7, 2008

March 1- March 7

I'm back, baby!

March 1



In order to survive in a nitrogen-poor soil, some plants have become carnivorous, such as the venus fly trap and the pitcher plant. They use pheremones to attract insects and then dissolve and feast on their crunchy, delicious flesh.
Interesting fact: lightning storms lay down heaps of nitrogen.

March 2



In this picture I am wearing all of my favorite things.

March 3



My host-mother's grandson (my host cousin?) looking far more angelic than he actually is.

March 4

Hanging Rock


No, but that's some pretty awesome cooled magma.

March 5

My Favorite Plum


That's the name of a song by Suzanne Vega. It's not one of her best, but I've listened to it probably eight hundred times. My best friend and I listened to that CD on repeat for a good several years, because between us we owned maybe three.

March 6

Letters from home


These have arrived just in time to make my day each time. Heartfelt love and thanks.

March 7

And Then....


The phrase, "and then I found five dollars" has never been quite so meaningful as today.

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All work copyright the author. Please do not use without permission. If you really need the money I'll buy you a sandwich.