Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January 11 - 16

January 11

Night Snow


Day Snow


January 12



This scarf was made by my most excellent friend Jared, who is awesome and keeps me about as warm emotionally as the scarf keeps me physically. Which is pretty warm.

January 13



The town of Ceaderburg exists because of this river, which enabled the settlers to mill cloth and other goods, and sell the Cream City Brick that the old mill show here is made of. It has been refurbished into tourist shops, which is what the town does now.

January 14



Simmer chai tea with milk, water, and honey.
Result: bliss.

January 15



This really crappy picture is of Dominican High School, which I attended way back when. A lot of people hated high school, but I loved it. It's where I made friends and learned not just how to write really good papers and build sets for plays, but also how to be funny.

January 16



This is the guy I'm sleeping with now.

Funny story about that, he went the doctor and was getting all prepped for his neutering surgery, and then they realized they had to do a spaying surgery instead.

Next entry will be from warmer climes. Bon Voyage!

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All work copyright the author. Please do not use without permission. If you really need the money I'll buy you a sandwich.